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Negligencia jurídica

Lucha por la responsabilidad en casos de negligencia jurídica

Attorney misconduct can have a significant and lasting impact on your case, affecting both your financial stability and emotional well-being. Attorneys are bound by a fiduciary duty to act in their client’s best interest, but breaches of this duty, professional negligence, or disputes over excessive fees can have dire consequences. Consulting a trusted Legal Malpractice Lawyer Beverly Hills clients rely on is crucial to understanding your options. The repercussions are not only financial but also undermine trust in the legal system. With a skilled Legal Malpractice Lawyer Beverly Hills, you can pursue rightful claims and work toward restoring a sense of justice.

Cómo servimos a nuestros clientes

  • Sin honorarios a menos que ganemos
  • Consulta gratuita
  • 98,8% de éxito
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Facturas y gastos médicos
  • Daños materiales/pérdida de uso
  • Pérdida de ingresos/capacidad de ganancia
  • Pérdida del Consorcio

Determinación de la responsabilidad en casos de negligencia jurídica

La mala conducta de un abogado puede tener un gran impacto en el resultado de su caso. Cada abogado debe a su cliente un deber fiduciario. La mayoría de los casos de mala praxis legal se basan en una violación de este deber fiduciario, negligencia profesional o disputas sobre honorarios. Las consecuencias pueden ser emocional y financieramente devastadoras, haciendo tambalear su fe en un sistema destinado a protegerle.

La negligencia legal puede ser creada por una variedad de circunstancias, incluyendo, pero no limitado a:

  • Prescripción de la acción pública
  • Actos que implican vileza moral (abuso del proceso judicial)
  • Mezcla de fondos de clientes
  • Fraude o engaño
  • Comisión de un acto delictivo por parte de un abogado
  • Soborno de funcionarios judiciales

Nuestro enfoque personal

If you were misinformed or misguided by your legal counsel, you may be able to recover the cost of losing your underlying case. Seeking a qualified Legal Malpractice Lawyer in Beverly Hills is essential to pursuing justice and recovering damages. Our lawyers have obtained millions of dollars in compensation for our clients in the Los Angeles area who’ve been involved in violations of a lawyer’s fiduciary duty to them. We understand the severe impact that legal malpractice can have on your life, both emotionally and financially.

Our team of dedicated attorneys has the skill and experience necessary to represent you effectively. We carefully investigate every angle of the alleged malpractice to construct a solid case for you. As your Legal Malpractice Lawyer in Beverly Hills, we will guide you through every step of the process, from gathering evidence to presenting a compelling argument in court or negotiations. Our goal is to restore both your faith in legal systems and your financial well-being while holding those who wronged you accountable. We take pride in our commitment to justice and our tireless efforts to secure the best possible outcome for our clients.


Si usted o un ser querido necesita un abogado con experiencia para su caso de negligencia profesional, llámenos para programar una consulta gratuita de su caso y le guiaremos hacia el éxito.

(310) 550-1220


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