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Apoyo legal compasivo para las víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos

For over a quarter-century, Etehad Law has been committed to aiding those injured in car accidents. As a trusted Car Accident Attorney in Los Angeles, we have witnessed firsthand the devastation that these incidents bring to victims and their families. Understanding the physical, emotional, and financial toll of car accidents, our dedicated team is here to offer both unparalleled legal expertise and compassionate support.

We know that recovering from a car accident can feel overwhelming, and our mission is to guide you through the legal process with care and precision. As a leading Car Accident Attorney in Los Angeles, we prioritize a client-first approach, ensuring that you not only receive strong legal representation but also a sense of stability and hope in what often feels like an insurmountable situation. Our firm is devoted to securing justice and fair compensation for your injuries so that you can focus on healing and moving forward with your life.

Cómo servimos a nuestros clientes

  • Sin honorarios a menos que ganemos
  • Sin costes a menos que ganemos
  • Consulta gratuita
  • 98,8% de éxito
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Facturas y gastos médicos
  • Daños materiales/pérdida de uso
  • Pérdida de ingresos/capacidad laboral
  • Pérdida del Consorcio

La dura realidad de las carreteras de California

Según la Oficina de Seguridad Vial de California (OTS), 269, 031 personas resultaron heridas en accidentes automovilísticos en California en 2019. Para el mismo período, se registraron más de 3434 muertes debido a accidentes automovilísticos. En promedio, cada tres minutos y diecisiete segundos se reporta un accidente de tránsito que involucra lesiones o muertes. Estas colisiones pueden causar estragos en la vida de las personas, alterando su capacidad para trabajar e imposibilitando el disfrute de actividades de ocio. Los accidentes de tráfico son una de las causas más comunes de muerte por negligencia y lesiones graves en Estados Unidos. El uso de equipos de seguridad como los cinturones de seguridad reduce el riesgo de lesiones, pero no lo elimina. Los accidentes de tráfico pueden provocar fácilmente:

  • Dolores de cabeza
  • Lesiones cerebrales
  • Latigazo cervical
  • Lesión medular
  • Muerte por negligencia
  • Huesos rotos
  • Laceraciones
  • Lesiones de tejidos blandos

Nuestro enfoque personal

You may not think your car crash was a big deal unless it resulted in catastrophic injury, but many injuries often produce long-term symptoms that can substantially degrade your quality of life. Because you may not perceive the symptoms of your injuries right away, our first priority is making sure you get the medical care you need with no cost to you, regardless of whether or not you have health insurance. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may require orthopedic care, chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, MRI scans, epidural injections, or even surgery.

We’ll make sure your car gets repaired or replaced quickly and, until that time, we’ll get you in a rental if you need one so that you’re not stranded without transportation. We’ll also fight to ensure that you’re paid for your pain and suffering and for any money you lose if you're unable to work because of your injuries.

Our car accident attorney Los Angeles can help you understand the legal process, determine your best course of action, and make sure you receive the medical care you need. With the guidance of a skilled car accident attorney Los Angeles, you can focus on healing while we handle the legal complexities on your behalf.


Si usted o un ser querido necesita un abogado con experiencia en accidentes automovilísticos, llámenos para programar una consulta gratuita de su caso y le guiaremos hacia el éxito.

(310) 550-1220


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